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Hey, I'm 


I’ve spent a good majority of my life overcorrecting for my past mistakes.


I was a rebellious teen without a care in the world. When I became a mom at nineteen, my path changed for the better. I worked while going to nursing school and raising my son on my own, got married, moved from my small hometown to fulfill my dream of living by the beach, bought a house, continued to advance my education and was working in the career field I worked so hard to be in…but it never felt good enough


Despite “catching up” to my peers and being where I thought I was supposed to be, I realized I was motivated by proving people wrong and not living for myself. I was stuck in the caregiver role as a mom and nurse, and not caring for myself. I was struggling with comparison and compassion fatigue, and I didn’t feel happy. 


I wondered what was wrong with me, I had everything I ever dreamed about and I should feel happy. Maybe it was around the corner after the next accomplishment? 

I began to question my purpose and direction, yet I continued on in my old patterns of powering through despite this nagging feeling. 

Until one day I realized I could no longer bypass these feelings. It was time to evaluate my own life and get clear on my purpose and vision, and start caring for myself in ways I had neglected for too long. I was scared and didn’t know where to start. But the fear of staying stuck far outweighed the discomfort of the unknown.


Through investing in myself by hiring a coach and working with a talented therapist, I am now living life on my own terms and I have never felt more clear and confident. The biggest shift came from changing my mindset and thoughts around my situation and prioritizing my physical, emotional and mental health.


I made some tough but rewarding choices. I left a six figure position to pursue my dream of becoming an entrepreneur and coach. I had tough conversations and placed loving boundaries in my personal life. I’ve created connections through vulnerability and decreased anxiety through practicing meditation.


 The fear of staying stuck outweighed the discomfort of the unknown.


Now I get to empower others on their journey to creating a healthy life that is aligned with their values and purpose.  


Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, 2024

Board Certified Nurse Coach- American Holistic Nurse Credentialing Corporation, 2023

The Nurse Coach Collective, 2022

SUNY Empire State, Bachelor's of Science in Nursing, 2021

SUNY Adirondack, Associate's of Science in Nursing,  2014

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Evaluate where your energy leaks are with this FREE Energy Audit tool 

Conducting a personal energy audit can help you identify areas of your life that are draining your energy and create a plan to boost your energy levels.


By implementing healthy habits and minimizing energy drains, you can increase your overall energy and productivity, leading to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Thanks for submitting! Please check your email after you explore my coaching methods to access the free energy leak audit tool.

If you're ready to create sustainable health, overcome limiting beliefs, and live your life for YOU, I'd love to work with you.

Based in North Carolina, serving the U.S. virtually. 

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